What is the Pickup Cloud?

What is the Pickup (Cloud)?

With the BD ROWA™ PICKUP INDOOR and BD ROWA™  PICKUP SEMI-OUTDOOR Pharmacies are able to provide

  • Automated delivery inside and outside opening hours
  • Connection to BD Rowa™ picking machine simplifies handling
  • self-determined and contactless pickup

for their Customers.

The BD ROWA™ PICKUP CLOUD enables the management of Pickup Orders independent of ERP System used by the Pharmacy or the use of an API. The Pickup Cloud Web App contains

  • Separate storage of pickups in the storage robot
  • Automatic data protection compliant notification of the customer
  • Overdue pickups at a glance
  • Future-proof for on-site orders, via web store, platforms
  • For the pickup of prescription drugs

Order Overview of the Pickup Cloud Web App Interface for Pharmacies and Hospitals.