API Reference

➡️ Ping our API to validate your API Key

What happened before

✅ You have applied for our API access and you've received your API Key you can test your connectivity and validate your API Key.


API live testing

Our Documentation allows you to send and test API calls as well as receives answers right from within the Documentation.

Validate your API Key with a ping

With our get request to ping the API you can test your API Key.

This get request expects you to pass a string for the parameter data.
In our example down below we use the value a-test-run for the data string.
You can use any different string for your testing purposes.

🤓 Don't forget to enter your API Key in the Authentication Section on the right.


Validate your API Key with a test message.



🤓 If your API Key is correct

you'll receive a message with the string that you parsed in your request, UTC Timestamp (server side), and the API Key you've provided.

"a-test-run: 07.10.2021 13:25:43. Your api client origin is: '0400000'."


😔 If your API Key is wrong

you'll receive an Error Message. Please check if you got any errors in the API Key.

  "status": 403,
  "title": "Unauthorized",
  "detail": "The supplied api key ('invalid') is invalid!\ntraceId: 00-1638f218f7be5944b602be432aef74f9-a76b4cd78ab47343-00\n"

Next Step

➡️ Turn your order into a pickup order