Get started with the Pickup Cloud API

Request your dummy API Key

Apply for API access via our online form.
You will receive your API Key as well as the contact of a consultant, ready to help you with further questions around the API setup.

We do need to know a few things about your Product and Company to help you to get on track as well as possible so don't hesitate to fill out the free text section in the form.

After you have applied – we will get back to you as fast as possible.

Requirements for the next steps:

➡️ Documentation: – you are already here!

➡️ API Url:

➡️ API Key: You have received your API Key via E-Mail directly from us.
You haven't applied yet? Then contact us to get your API Key!

➡️ Code-Snippets are written in C#, Java, JS, Python and PHP

Next Step

➡️ Validate API Key