API Reference

➡️ Get back the status report of a Pickup Order with all order details

What happened before

✅ You have turned an Order into a Pickup Order with the help of our Turn an Order into a Pickup Order article.

Send request to get an Order

The response of adding an Order is an object called OrderResponse.
This object contains the orderNumber and the pickupCode which both can be used to get the pickup status. Therefore we can reuse the SendRequest-Method from the "Adding an Order"-Step.


⬇️ with orderNumber

This get request expects you to pass a string for the parameter orderNumber.
In our example down below we use the value my-order-number for the orderNumber string.
You should use the orderNumber you provided to the API during the creation of the order.
Find out how you turn your order into a Pickup Order


Get Pickup Order Status by the orderNumber

uri: https://api.pickup.bd.com/api/{api_version}/orders/by-ordernumber/orderNumber

ApiKey: You've received the API Key directly from us via E-Mail.
If not, contact us here!

httpMethod: GET

content: Null

➡️ Notice: Fill in the API Version for the Parameter {api_version}.
{api_version} should be replaced with the Version you want to use e.g. v1.1 so the url should be http://api.pickup.bd.com/api/v1.1/orders.


⬇️ with pickupCode

This get request expects you to pass a string for the parameter pickupCode.
In our example down below we use the value my-pickup-code for the pickupCode string.
You should use the pickupCode you provided to the API during the creation of the order.
Find out how you turn your order into a Pickup Order .


Get Pickup Order Status by the pickupCode

uri: https://api.pickup.bd.com/api/{api_version}/orders/by-pickupcode/pickupCode

ApiKey: You've received the API Key directly from us via E-Mail.
If not, contact us here!

httpMethod: GET

content: Null

Example success response in detail

  "orderNumber": "your-order-number",
  "requestCustomerToFillData": false,
  "relatedNotes": "Should be stored in the refrigerator",
  "dosageInformation": "1 tablet in the morning, one in the evening – at least 7hr gap. Take with a glass of water.",
  "state": "READYFORINPUT",
  "creationDate": "2021-10-18T13:42:11.585743+00:00",
  "lastUpdateDate": null,
  "pickedUpDate": null,
  "canceledDate": null,
  "firstInputDate": null,
  "isOverdue": false,
  "pickupCode": "customer_ED7BE3A4AF144537B1DC6582D49D9D98",
  "storageCode": "pickup_A116ABAD8AC84E0E81E31C17F4A34549",
  "cancellationReason": ""
ObjectTypeExplanation / Comment
orderNumberstringThe exact order number your are looking for.

You have created the order with the help of Turn an Order into a Pickup Order
requestCustomerToFillDatabooleanSpecifies if the patient wants to receive an E-Mail to fill out their personal data at a later point in time e.g. from home.

If true, patient receives a E-Mail with a URL that opens a webpage to enter their missing personal data. If the Data is entered and send by the patient, it is stored and available to use.

If false, no E-Mail will be sent.
relatedNotesstringInternal notes for processing and fulfilling the order inside the pharmacy context.
This won't be visible to a patient.
dosageInformationstringThe dosage information is information for the patient.
It should contain information about the medication and its dosage.

This information should be printed out on the storage label together with the customer name so its visible right on the patients articles.

⚠️ Depending on where you use this, this information may be required to be filled out in your country.
statestringThis will give you the current order status.

In the example above it is a newly created order therefore the state is READYFORINPUT.

If the order is stored and can be picked up, you will receive READYFORPICKUP.

If the order is picked up by the patient you will receive PICKEDUP.
creationDatedate-timeTimestamp off when the Order was created.
UTC (ISO8601)
lastUpdateDatedate-timeTimestamp off when the Order was last updated.
UTC (ISO8601)
pickedUpDatedate-timeTimestamp off when the Order was picked up.
UTC (ISO8601)
canceledDatedate-timeTimestamp off when the Order was canceled.
UTC (ISO8601)
firstInputDatedate-timeTimestamp off when the first article or package of the order was loaded into the storage robot.
UTC (ISO8601)
isOverduebooleanIf true, the order is overdue.
This means the desired storing period of the pharmacy is exceeded. The desired time period for overdue can be set in the pickup cloud web app settings.
This can be helpful if the pharmacy only wants to store and reserve the articles for a short time frame (e.g. 48 hours) so that they can remind the patient about the order or cancel it if the patient does not react.

If false, the order is still within the desired time period set for this specify pharmacy.
pickupCodestringThe pickupCode is needed to pickup the Order from the Pickup Robot.

With this code, you can generate a QR Code and provide it to your patient.

The QR Code is needed to Pickup articles and will be scanned at the Pickup robot.
storageCodestringThe storageCode is need to store articles (or packages) into the storage robot.

You can create a DataMatrix Code out of the provided Storage Code that will be scanned if inputted at the Robot.

This allows you also to link multiple articles (or packages) to the same order if inputted with the same storageCode.
cancellationReasonstringIf the order has been canceled, the reason for the cancellation will be listed here.

At the moment, cancelling is only possible via the Pickup Cloud Web App and not via the API.

Although you will get back if the order has been canceled and if so, the reason for the cancellation.